By Muhammad Lukman Sunday, May 7, 2017 children children's health county health food food security hunger nutrition poverty Kentucky's food insecurity declines slightly, but remains high in southeast; in 3 counties, rate among children is above 30 percent Dots are food bank locations. For an interactive map with county data, click here . The percentage of Kentuckians with an insecure food supp...
By Muhammad Lukman Sunday, April 23, 2017 Alzheimer's disease circulation dementia diet food heart disease nutrition soft drinks stroke 10-year study: Having one or more diet sodas a day nearly triples the risk of having a stroke or Alzheimer's; overall risk is still low A study suggests a connection between diet soda and both stroke and dementia, "with people drinking diet soda daily being almost three ...
By Muhammad Lukman Tuesday, April 18, 2017 diet fast food food heart disease hypertension nutrition processed food restaurants stroke Americans eat way too much salt, mostly from 25 commonly consumed foods; cutting back reduces risk of high blood pressure Americans eat too much salt, and a new study found that most of it comes from 25 commonly consumed foods. The top five culprits are bread, p...
By Muhammad Lukman Sunday, April 9, 2017 Congress diabetes education food nutrition obesity school health schools state government student health sugar trans fat USDA With pushes from Obama administration, Kentucky schools focused more on health; example: less junk food is available Lexington Herald-Leader file photo Sugary drinks, fatty snacks and chocolate candy are becoming harder to buy in Kentucky schools, which are...
By Muhammad Lukman Wednesday, March 1, 2017 food Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky healthy food nutrition poll polls Poll finds that most Kentucky adults have access to healthy foods, but most also don't eat enough fruits and vegetables daily By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News Most Kentucky adults don't eat enough fruits or vegetables every day, even though most of them s...