By Muhammad Lukman Tuesday, May 16, 2017 Congress federal government health care costs health insurance obamacare Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act politics polls McConnell says all Senate Republicans are working on health bill, invites Democrats to join them McConnell used a graphic on the floor to drive home his point. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday that all Republican senat...
By Muhammad Lukman Tuesday, May 9, 2017 foundations meth methamphetamine narcotics philanthropy polls prescription drug abuse prescription drugs Poll provides more evidence that heroin use is increasing in Ky.; Chandler calls state's opioid epidemic 'truly shocking' People in health care and law enforcement know that heroin use in Kentucky has increased, and that the state still has a big problem with pr...
By Muhammad Lukman Tuesday, April 11, 2017 drug abuse Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky hepatitis c HIV needle exchange poll polls syringe exchanges About half of Kentucky adults support syringe exchanges, meant to decrease the risk of outbreaks of HIV and hepatitis C By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News More Kentucky adults favor syringe exchanges than oppose them, and the more they know about them, th...
By Muhammad Lukman Tuesday, April 4, 2017 General Assembly legislature polls research smoking smoking bans smoking ordinances state government state law tobacco tobacco prevention tobacco-free Support for statewide smoking ban rises to 71% Seventy-one percent of Kentucky adults favor a statewide smoking ban, up 17 percentage points since the Kentucky Health Issues Poll began as...
By Muhammad Lukman Wednesday, March 29, 2017 county health drug abuse drug use exercise health rankings physical activity polls rankings research wellness County Health Rankings show troubling trend of more premature deaths, contrasting trends among some counties By Danielle Ray Kentucky Health News The premature death rate is getting worse in 44 of Kentucky's 120 counties and improving in 12 coun...
By Muhammad Lukman Tuesday, March 28, 2017 children gun safety guns poll polls safety youth More than half of Kentuckians have a gun in the house,15% are loaded and unlocked; among those with children, 12% More than half of Kentucky adults have a firearm in the home and 15 percent of those guns are loaded and unlocked, according to a the latest...
By Muhammad Lukman 12:09 PM Congress federal spending health care access health care costs health insurance Medicaid Medicare obamacare Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act politics polls state budget working poor How Medicaid came to cover 1 in 3 people in Ky., 1 in 5 in U.S., and how it could be changed despite health bill's failure Medicaid is the main reason many more people have health insurance, especially in Kentucky. These New York Times maps are interactive, with ...
By Muhammad Lukman Wednesday, March 1, 2017 food Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky healthy food nutrition poll polls Poll finds that most Kentucky adults have access to healthy foods, but most also don't eat enough fruits and vegetables daily By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News Most Kentucky adults don't eat enough fruits or vegetables every day, even though most of them s...
By Muhammad Lukman Wednesday, February 22, 2017 Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky health insurance Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act poll polls Poll finds that 22 percent of Kentucky adults say they delay or forgo health care due to cost By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News Two in 10 Kentucky adults continue to report that someone in their household has delayed or skipped ...
By Muhammad Lukman Sunday, February 19, 2017 Congress health insurance Medicaid obamacare Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act politics polls With Obama gone, emphasis is on 'care,' not him; Rep. Guthrie says voters want a replacement 'that creates a better opportunity' "With President Barack Obama out of office, the debate over 'Obamacare' is becoming less about 'Obama' and more about ...
By Muhammad Lukman Wednesday, February 15, 2017 Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky health insurance insurance coverage Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act poll polls Ky. uninsured rate has dropped significantly under Obamacare, but many struggle with maintaining stable coverage By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News Many more Kentuckians have health insurance because of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Ac...