By Muhammad Lukman Tuesday, May 9, 2017 foundations meth methamphetamine narcotics philanthropy polls prescription drug abuse prescription drugs Poll provides more evidence that heroin use is increasing in Ky.; Chandler calls state's opioid epidemic 'truly shocking' People in health care and law enforcement know that heroin use in Kentucky has increased, and that the state still has a big problem with pr...
By Muhammad Lukman Sunday, April 23, 2017 courts doctors drug abuse narcotics physicians prescription drug abuse prescription drugs Southern Ky. doctor charged with illegal prescriptions that feds say caused 3 deaths; another will serve a year on similar charges One Southern Kentucky physician was sentenced this month to a year and a day in prison for illegally prescribing painkillers to five people,...
By Muhammad Lukman Friday, April 14, 2017 addiction courts drug abuse drug prevention drug treatment narcotics obituaries state government After their child died from a drug overdose, a Kentucky family joined those who are choosing to tell the truth about addiction By Traci Thomas Kentucky Health News The obituary for Katherine Bryant Reynolds, published in the April 5 Lexington Herald-Leader , was eng...
By Muhammad Lukman Wednesday, April 12, 2017 drug abuse health departments hepatitis c HIV narcotics state government State health department offers services to fight opioid epidemic, including free antidote for overdoses and education about it The state Department for Public Health is reminding communities of the services it offers to address the impact of opioid abuse, and to edu...
By Muhammad Lukman Monday, April 3, 2017 drug abuse Drugs heroin narcotics poverty research Young, white, lower-income and lesser-educated men have greatest increase in heroin addiction, study finds Young, white men with lower education and income levels have experienced the greatest increase in heroin use and addiction, a study has fou...
By Muhammad Lukman Saturday, April 1, 2017 coroners courts death drug abuse medical examiners narcotics politics state government Medical examiner quits, then stays; was in dispute over resources, autopsy delays, hiring of former legislator to run office Photo illustration from WKYT-TV Dr. William Ralston quit his job as the state's chief medical examiner Friday "over frustrations in...
By Muhammad Lukman Thursday, March 2, 2017 doctors drug abuse Drugs General Assembly legislature narcotics pain physicians prescription drug abuse prescription drugs rural health House sends Senate bill to limit most potent painkiller prescriptions to three days, target traffickers of fentanyl The state House has sent to the Senate a bill to put a three-day limit on prescriptions of high-potency painkillers, and increase penalties ...
By Muhammad Lukman Thursday, February 16, 2017 doctors Drugs General Assembly legislation legislature narcotics nurse practitioners pharmaceuticals physician assistants physicians prescription drug abuse prescription drugs Legislature moving bills targeting fentanyl sales, shortening length of most opioid prescriptions to three days The General Assembly is moving bills to increase penalties for the sale of fentanyl and put a three-day limit on prescriptions of other high...