By Muhammad Lukman Wednesday, May 10, 2017 Appalachia awards doctors Extension Service health departments physicians public health University of Kentucky UK's Doug Scutchfield, international leader in public health, accepts Libraries Medallion for Intellectual Achievement F. Douglas Scutchfield, M.D. In what he called "a coda to my academic career," Dr. F. Douglas Scutchfield accepted the University ...
By Muhammad Lukman Tuesday, May 9, 2017 consumers doctors health insurance health journalism hospitals Internet lobbying physicians state governments Price transparency in health care is thwarted by providers and others who want to keep deals secret; crowdsourcing may help Trudy Lieberman People seeking information on costs of health procedures are frustrated by the lack of clarity from medical providers. Thing...
By Muhammad Lukman Sunday, April 23, 2017 courts doctors drug abuse narcotics physicians prescription drug abuse prescription drugs Southern Ky. doctor charged with illegal prescriptions that feds say caused 3 deaths; another will serve a year on similar charges One Southern Kentucky physician was sentenced this month to a year and a day in prison for illegally prescribing painkillers to five people,...
By Muhammad Lukman Friday, April 21, 2017 cigarettes doctors fraud Medicaid physicians smoking smoking cessation tobacco tobacco prevention Somerset doctor convicted of Medicaid fraud; sentenced to five years for falsifying smoking-cessation counseling sessions Dr. Ezekiel Akande (Photo from Twitter ) A Pulaski County judge sentenced a Somerset doctor on Friday, April 21, to five years in prison for...
By Muhammad Lukman Friday, March 31, 2017 drug abuse General Assembly heroin legislation pain physicians prescription drug abuse prescription drugs Big drug bill heads to governor's desk; has harsher penalties and limits most prescriptions for acute pain to 3 days By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News A bill that would limit most painkiller prescriptions to a three-day supply for acute pain, and chan...
By Muhammad Lukman Sunday, March 5, 2017 doctor shortage doctors drug abuse Drugs General Assembly legislature nurse practitioners physicians prescription drug abuse prescription drugs Nurse practitioners ease doctor shortage, but will have to wait to get more authority to prescribe narcotics; opioid epidemic cited Nurse practitioner Robin Szczapinski talks with her patient, Harold Brashear Sr., at the Louisville Veterans Affairs Medical Center. (Co...
By Muhammad Lukman Saturday, March 4, 2017 medical education medical school physicians primary care University of Kentucky UK plans to develop its third regional medical school in Northern Kentucky; others are to be in Bowling Green and Morehead The University of Kentucky College of Medicine plans to develop its third regional medical school in Northern Kentucky, in an effort to in...
By Muhammad Lukman Thursday, March 2, 2017 legislation nursing homes physicians tort reform Senate medical-review panel bill passes out House with changes after two hours of debate; Senate says OK, sends it to Bevin This story has been updated to reflect concurrence of the Senate on March 3. By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News A Senate bill that woul...
By Muhammad Lukman 1:16 PM doctors drug abuse Drugs General Assembly legislature narcotics pain physicians prescription drug abuse prescription drugs rural health House sends Senate bill to limit most potent painkiller prescriptions to three days, target traffickers of fentanyl The state House has sent to the Senate a bill to put a three-day limit on prescriptions of high-potency painkillers, and increase penalties ...
By Muhammad Lukman Monday, February 27, 2017 doctors health care access health insurance health reform Medicaid obamacare Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act physicians prevention rural health Longtime Whitesburg doctor, winner of national honor, fears patients will lose Affordable Care Act's preventive care Dr. Van Breeding ( Lexington Herald-Leader photo) Whitesburg physician Dr. Van Breeding says his patients got "bamboozled" by poli...
By Muhammad Lukman Thursday, February 16, 2017 doctors Drugs General Assembly legislation legislature narcotics nurse practitioners pharmaceuticals physician assistants physicians prescription drug abuse prescription drugs Legislature moving bills targeting fentanyl sales, shortening length of most opioid prescriptions to three days The General Assembly is moving bills to increase penalties for the sale of fentanyl and put a three-day limit on prescriptions of other high...