By Muhammad Lukman Tuesday, May 16, 2017 Congress health insurance insurance Medicaid obamacare Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act rural health rural hospitals Liberal-leaning group says that if Senate passes House health bill, or big parts of it, results will be dire for millions in rural America Photo: People who have health insurance through the Medicaid expansion are at great risk of losing their coverage if the...
By Muhammad Lukman Monday, May 15, 2017 dentistry health health care health care costs health insurance oral health poverty rural health rural-urban disparities Rich-poor divide grows in oral health; Ky. ranks 2nd in seniors with no natural teeth; what's your county's toothless rate? The rich-poor divide is causing many impoverished rural residents to forgo oral health care, or resort to having teeth pulled rather than pa...
By Muhammad Lukman Tuesday, April 25, 2017 Congress health insurance insurance Medicaid obamacare politics rural health rural-urban disparities Rep. Yarmuth tells health advocates how to fix ACA: restore and maintain subsidies, offer public option to help small, rural counties Dustin Pugel and Rep. Yarmuth at the meeting (AARP Ky. photo) By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News Congress needs to maintain subsidies...
By Muhammad Lukman Tuesday, April 4, 2017 chronic disease hospitals jobs nurses nursing rural health rural hospitals Some hospitals in Kentucky can't find enough nurses; they and nursing colleges work toward short-term and long-term solutions Highlands Regional Medical Center nursing interns (photo provided) By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News While studies show Kentucky will ...
By Muhammad Lukman Sunday, March 19, 2017 Congress Medicaid obamacare Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act president rural health state governments New Medicaid boss, mentor Pence and Trump seek changes in program like some Bevin has asked her agency to approve for Ky. Seema Verma ( Getty Images ) By Al Cross Kentucky Health News The newly confirmed director of the nation's Medicaid program quickly ser...
By Muhammad Lukman Friday, March 3, 2017 air pollution Appalachia coal environmental health research rural health Federal study in Central Appalachia will try to see if living near a surface coal mine is bad for your health Scientists from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine will study Eastern Kentucky, West Virginia and the coal regions...
By Muhammad Lukman Thursday, March 2, 2017 doctors drug abuse Drugs General Assembly legislature narcotics pain physicians prescription drug abuse prescription drugs rural health House sends Senate bill to limit most potent painkiller prescriptions to three days, target traffickers of fentanyl The state House has sent to the Senate a bill to put a three-day limit on prescriptions of high-potency painkillers, and increase penalties ...
By Muhammad Lukman Monday, February 27, 2017 doctors health care access health insurance health reform Medicaid obamacare Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act physicians prevention rural health Longtime Whitesburg doctor, winner of national honor, fears patients will lose Affordable Care Act's preventive care Dr. Van Breeding ( Lexington Herald-Leader photo) Whitesburg physician Dr. Van Breeding says his patients got "bamboozled" by poli...