By Muhammad Lukman Wednesday, May 3, 2017 advertising cigarettes conferences e-cigarettes research smoking smoking cessation teenagers teens tobacco prevention E-cig marketing finds a ready teenage audience, and preventive messaging isn't keeping up; risks of nicotine are largely forgotten Medscape photo By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News RICHMOND, Ky. -- Marketing messages for ...
By Muhammad Lukman Friday, April 21, 2017 cigarettes doctors fraud Medicaid physicians smoking smoking cessation tobacco tobacco prevention Somerset doctor convicted of Medicaid fraud; sentenced to five years for falsifying smoking-cessation counseling sessions Dr. Ezekiel Akande (Photo from Twitter ) A Pulaski County judge sentenced a Somerset doctor on Friday, April 21, to five years in prison for...
By Muhammad Lukman Tuesday, April 18, 2017 Cancer cigarette tax death General Assembly governor health policy heart disease legislature politics smoking smoking ban smoking cessation tobacco tobacco prevention Anti-smoking expert: Cigarettes kill 8,900 Kentuckians a year, so it's time to raise cigarette tax and pass statewide smoking ban By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News "Smoking is the single most preventable cause of death that we know of," Ellen Hahn, direc...
By Muhammad Lukman Sunday, April 9, 2017 addiction drunk driving health legislature mental health smoking cessation Senate Health and Welfare Chair Julie Raque Adams, a Republican moderate from Louisville, had a banner session Sen. Julie Raque Adams By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News The term "public servant" comes to mind when state Sen. Julie Raque...
By Muhammad Lukman Tuesday, March 21, 2017 education research smoking smoking cessation tobacco youth High-school students' research finds smokers are more likely to want to quit smoking after seeing their carbon monoxide levels Taryn Kerley and Becca Calvert, Barren County High School seniors Cigarette smokers who saw their carbon monoxide levels rise after they smo...
By Muhammad Lukman Friday, March 17, 2017 breast cancer breast screening cancer screening caregivers children children's health concussions health care access health law immunizations pharmacists research smoking cessation youth Legislature passes bills to name caregivers, help smokers quit; could still pass dense-breast notice and student-concussion bills By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News FRANKFORT, Ky. – Kentucky lawmakers have passed bills this year to make sure someone knows how to ca...
By Muhammad Lukman Wednesday, March 15, 2017 Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky health insurance smokeless tobacco smoking smoking cessation state government; General Assembly tobacco Bill passes to decrease smoking; one doesn't; lawmakers set to pass resolution for feds to ditch plan to limit tobacco carcinogen By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News FRANKFORT, Ky. – Smoke-free advocates would say that this legislative session's record is 1-2. T...
By Muhammad Lukman 11:32 AM health care access health insurance smoking smoking cessation tobacco Bill sent to Bevin would remove insurance-company barriers that keep Kentuckians from getting smoking-cessation treatments By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News FRANKFORT, Ky. – Kentuckians would have an easier time getting smoking-cessation treatments covered ...
By Muhammad Lukman Thursday, March 9, 2017 children cigarettes school health schools smokeless tobacco smoking ban smoking cessation tobacco tobacco prevention youth Bill to make all Ky. schools tobacco-free is likely dead for this session; only 62 of the state's 173 school districts ban tobacco By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News FRANKFORT, Ky. -- A bill that would ban tobacco use on school properties and at school events has al...
By Muhammad Lukman Wednesday, February 15, 2017 health care access health insurance insurance coverage Medicaid smoking smoking cessation tobacco State Senate committee approves bill to remove insurance-company barriers to smoking-cessation treatments Feb. 22 Update: SB89 passed 35-2 out of the full Senate and now heads to the House for consideration. March 14: SB89 passed 90-1 out of the ...