By Muhammad Lukman Sunday, April 2, 2017 health rankings health status public health Public Health Week is a time to think about immediate challenges and the long-term health of Kentucky and its communities April 3-9 is National Public Health Week. Why should you care? The reasons are many. "Have you eaten at a restaurant lately? Did you br...
By Muhammad Lukman Tuesday, March 21, 2017 built environment exercise Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky health status income physical activity physical inactivity poll Better-off Kentuckians exercise more; foundation CEO says policymakers can help increase access to exercise venues By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News Health status and income matter when it comes to being physically active. Kentucky adults who report...
By Muhammad Lukman Saturday, March 11, 2017 Congress federal spending health insurance health reform health status Medicaid obamacare politics president state budget state government Pence touts Republican health plan, seeking Sen. Paul's support; Democrats say vice president's remarks about Ky. are off base Gov. Bevin and Vice President Pence ( C-J photo by Sam Upshaw) By Al Cross Kentucky Health News Kentucky again became the epicenter of the h...