By Muhammad Lukman Friday, May 12, 2017 Congress federal spending health care costs health insurance legislature Medicaid state government At town hall in Benton, U.S. Rep. James Comer defends and explains his vote for House Republican health-care legislation UPDATE, May 21: The Washington Post 's Chico Harlan has a more detailed report on Comer's town halls in Benton, Albany, Edmonton an...
By Muhammad Lukman Tuesday, April 18, 2017 Cancer cigarette tax death General Assembly governor health policy heart disease legislature politics smoking smoking ban smoking cessation tobacco tobacco prevention Anti-smoking expert: Cigarettes kill 8,900 Kentuckians a year, so it's time to raise cigarette tax and pass statewide smoking ban By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News "Smoking is the single most preventable cause of death that we know of," Ellen Hahn, direc...
By Muhammad Lukman Sunday, April 9, 2017 addiction drunk driving health legislature mental health smoking cessation Senate Health and Welfare Chair Julie Raque Adams, a Republican moderate from Louisville, had a banner session Sen. Julie Raque Adams By Melissa Patrick Kentucky Health News The term "public servant" comes to mind when state Sen. Julie Raque...
By Muhammad Lukman Wednesday, April 5, 2017 cigarettes elections foundations General Assembly health policy legislature lobbying local government philanthropy politics smoking smoking ban smoking bans state government taxes tobacco Foundation plans to be more active against tobacco, since it is the cause of many of Kentucky's health problems As more Kentuckians favor a statewide smoking ban but the state legislature won't even ban smoking at schools, the Foundation for a Heal...
By Muhammad Lukman Tuesday, April 4, 2017 General Assembly legislature polls research smoking smoking bans smoking ordinances state government state law tobacco tobacco prevention tobacco-free Support for statewide smoking ban rises to 71% Seventy-one percent of Kentucky adults favor a statewide smoking ban, up 17 percentage points since the Kentucky Health Issues Poll began as...
By Muhammad Lukman Thursday, March 30, 2017 courts General Assembly governor legislation legislature lobbying mental health Without dissent, General Assembly overrides governor's veto of bill allowing courts to require outpatient mental-health treatment Mental-health advocates lobbied for "Tim's Law" outside the state Senate chamber on March 29. (Photo by Melissa Patrick) By M...
By Muhammad Lukman Sunday, March 5, 2017 doctor shortage doctors drug abuse Drugs General Assembly legislature nurse practitioners physicians prescription drug abuse prescription drugs Nurse practitioners ease doctor shortage, but will have to wait to get more authority to prescribe narcotics; opioid epidemic cited Nurse practitioner Robin Szczapinski talks with her patient, Harold Brashear Sr., at the Louisville Veterans Affairs Medical Center. (Co...
By Muhammad Lukman Thursday, March 2, 2017 doctors drug abuse Drugs General Assembly legislature narcotics pain physicians prescription drug abuse prescription drugs rural health House sends Senate bill to limit most potent painkiller prescriptions to three days, target traffickers of fentanyl The state House has sent to the Senate a bill to put a three-day limit on prescriptions of high-potency painkillers, and increase penalties ...